Zoning/Building Permits/Inspections
The Town of Mocksville contracts with Davie County Development and Facilities Services for zoning, permitting and inspections. Davie County Development and Facilities Services is located at 298 E. Depot Street, Mocksville, NC, 336 753-6050.
Opening a Business in Mocksville
Visit the Permitting Portal Online HERE.
Download and Print the Directions for Opening a Business in Mocksville HERE.
Opening a Business in Mocksville_20200603Davie County GIS
Davie County GIS Maps are available HERE.
Other Permit & License Applications
Apply for a Peddler | Solicitor | Transient Vendor Permit.
Apply for a Parade | Rally| Event Permit.
Complete an Electronic Gaming License application.
Complete an application for a Taxi Owner License.
Apply for a Taxi Driver Permit.
Complete an application for a Wrecker Owner License.
Complete the Town of Mocksville ABC Permit online.