Comprehensive Plan
A D O P T E D – S E P T E M B E R 3, 2019
Board of Commissioners:
William J. Marklin III, Mayor Eric Southern
Brent S. Ward, Mayor Pro-Tem Amy Vaughan-Jones
Rob Taylor Brian Williams
Advisory Committee Members:
Jenny Stevenson, Town Citizen Neal Cheek, Mocksville Planning Board
Steven Walker, Town Citizen Diane Foster, Mocksville Planning Board
Janice McBride, Town Citizen Clint Junker, Mocksville Planning Board
Angie Jordan, Town Citizen Alan Lakey, Mocksville Planning Board
Brandy Koontz, Koontz Law, PLLC Matt Settlemyer, Town Manager
Brad Chapman, Davie Construction Company Brian Williams, Mocksville Commissioner
Carl Lambert, Eaton Funeral Home Brent S. Ward, Mocksville Mayor Pro Tem
Matt Settlemyer, Town Manager
Lynn Trivette, Town Clerk & Finance Officer
Beth Thompson
Jeanette Pitts, Community Development Director
Emily Quance
Consulting Staff:
Paul Kron, Foothills Planning + Design Jesse Day, Piedmont Triad Regional Council
Malinda Ford, Piedmont Triad Regional Council
The Town of Mocksville Comprehensive Plan provides a clear and compelling vision for the future growth and well-being of our community. The Plan looks closely at past and current conditions, takes inventory of our accomplishments, evaluates changes and anticipates future needs in our community. Through a rigorous public engagement process a broad range of community values and desires were carefully gathered and assessed to establish an authentic shared vision for our future and a practical set of recommended goals, objectives and strategies to achieve this vision. The Plan provides a framework for decision-making and the prioritization and allocation of resources related to the long-term development and sustainable prosperity of Mocksville, by building on existing assets and taking strategic advantage of opportunities for improvement and growth.
The Mocksville Board of Commissioners appointed a 14-member Community Advisory Committee in August of 2018. Committee members represent a broad cross-section of community interests, including citizens and business owners, Town Planning Board and staff members, and two representatives of the Town Board of Commissioners. Members served as community representatives and ambassadors for the wider community; to share information and gather input from fellow citizens; provide insight and guidance throughout the planning process; and to build consensus around, and support for, the recommended Comprehensive Plan.
The Plan provides the following vision for our future and a practical set of recommended goals, objectives and strategies to achieve this vision.
OBJECTIVE 2 – Expand, diversify, revitalize and promote our historic downtown.
Strategy 2.1 – Continue to provide and sponsor downtown events to support downtown
businesses and enhance our downtown’s friendly, welcoming, small-town feel.
Strategy 2.2 – Establish a Downtown Merchants Association &/or expand the Main Street Program to strengthen the support network for existing businesses and to help new businesses thrive & flourish.
Strategy 2.4 – Develop a Downtown Action Plan to identify and prioritize improvements; to help guide future expansion and revitalization efforts and to create an even more lively, pedestrian- friendly destination for Town residents and out-of-town visitors. Plan focus areas may include:
• Pedestrian Amenities (e.g. sidewalks, crosswalks, crossing signals, bike lanes)
• Parking and Way Finding (e.g. on-street & off-street lots, pedestrian access, signs)
• Amenities & Improvements (e.g. benches, lighting, paving, banners, street trees & plantings)
• Entrepreneurial Support Uses (e.g. maker space, business incubator, co-work office space)
• Public Uses (e.g. indoor event center, farmers’ market, public art gallery & theater)
• Downtown Housing (e.g. second- & third-story apartments, new townhomes & live-work units)
• Downtown Appearance (e.g. develop & enforce design guidelines, façade improvement grants)
• Downtown Expansion (e.g. develop adjacent areas on Depot Street and Salisbury Street)
• Downtown Diversity (e.g. create a minority-friendly environment for business owners & patrons)
OBJECTIVE 3 – Develop a strong tourism economy based on Mocksville’s authentic
historic, cultural and natural assets.
Strategy 3.1 – Collaborate with the Davie County EDC, Chamber of Commerce, Mocksville Tourism Development Authority and other organizations to create a Tourism Development Action Plan to identify, prioritize and develop the resource “products”, organizations and networks necessary to successfully attract significantly more out-of-town visitors. Plan focus areas may include:
• Survey, Assessment & Prioritization of Resource Development (e.g. historic, cultural & natural)
• Networking & Team Building (e.g. parks & recreation and tourism boards, advocates for historic preservation, natural & cultural interpretation, trails, arts & music, food, wine!)
• Coordination of Physical Resources & Programming (e.g. festivals, concerts, galleries, cook-offs, tours, art & car shows, historical reenactments, way-finding signs, trails, wine tours, sports!)
• Accommodations (e.g. hotels, B&Bs, shuttles, restaurants, cafes, bakeries, maps, on-line apps!)
• Marketing (e.g. website, on-line map & guide resources, Facebook, advertising, coupons)
• Funding (e.g. fees, occupancy tax, tourism association membership, state & local grants, sales)
Strategy 3.2 – Establish a program to support and encourage expansion of existing businesses and to guide and support local entrepreneurs in the development of new community businesses, assets & attractions (e.g. micro-brewery, art gallery, museum, bowling alley, skating rink, theater, restaurants).
Strategy 3.3 – Visit and learn from other communities and organizations (e.g. NC Main Street, Rural Center, other small towns such as Mt. Airy, Lexington, Mooresville, Huntersville & West Jefferson).
OBJECTIVE 5 – Provide a wider selection of housing options and price ranges to help our older generation age in place and to retain and attract younger generations.
Strategy 5.1 – Form a task force or standing advisory board (including housing, real estate, development and planning & zoning professions, non-profits, county & town officials) to identify key housing needs, barriers and recommended solutions (e.g. policies, programs, projects).
Strategy 5.2 – Collaborate with Davie County and other local community & professional organizations to form a Housing Action Plan to encourage and support development of a wider range of housing options and market-rate price ranges. Plan focus areas may include:
• Up-date Development Ordinances (e.g. allow flexibility in housing types & density in appropriate areas; increase housing variety & density in key target areas; locate higher density mixed-use development close to services, schools, parks, and transit; allow & streamline the approval process for accessory dwellings (e.g. granny flats, tiny home clusters) in residential & commercial districts to increase the housing supply and variety; etc.)
• Provide Incentives for Rehabilitation of Existing Housing Stock (e.g. single-family rehabilitation grants, access to private and public low-interest rehabilitation loan programs, non-profits)
• Encourage more mixed-use developments including a wider range of housing types & price ranges
• Inform and increase awareness around affordable & fair housing (e.g. collaborate with the Davie County Senior Center to advertise the availability of affordable & accessible housing, adopt fair housing policies to help everyone have safe affordable housing choices)
Strategy 5.3 – Collaborate with downtown leaders and property owners to identify, prioritize and pursue the rehabilitation of existing second and third-story spaces for use as apartments or condos, and the development of new live-work units &/or mixed-use development in or within easy walking distance of downtown.
OBJECTIVE 9 – Work collaboratively to identify and address key needs and interests in our community, especially among minorities, making strategic investments to provide excellent public infrastructure, services and amenities for all our citizens.
Strategy 9.1 – Develop a 2-way communication plan to share information from Town Hall and receive regular input from citizens to identify key community needs & interests and to get more citizens actively involved in on-going community-building and decision-making efforts.
Strategy 9.2 – Use the Existing Water and Sewer Asset Inventory and Assessment to develop a detailed Water & Sewer Master Plan to identify and assess existing assets, to set policies & priorities and to provide and communicate action steps and investment strategies for sustainably and efficiently maintaining and enhancing our Town’s water & sewer infrastructure.
Strategy 9.3 – Develop a detailed Transportation Plan to identify and assess existing assets, to set policies & priorities and to provide and communicate action steps & investment strategies for a safe, efficient and attractive multi-modal transportation network. Plan elements may include:
• Road Improvement & Maintenance Plans – Work collaborative with NCDOT, NWP-RPO (PTRC), Davie County, Town staff and citizens to identify, assess and address safety, capacity, traffic flow and maintenance priorities.
• Transit Plans – Work collaboratively with NCDOT, PART, YVEDDI, NWP-RPO (PTRC), MPOs, Davie County, Town officials and citizens to identify, assess and address the mobility needs of current and future commuters and non-driving citizens in our community to enhance the safety, reliability and convenience of park & ride lots, ride-sharing, transit and para-transit van services.
• Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenway Trail Plan – Work collaboratively with NCDOT, NWP-RPO (PTRC), Davie County, Town officials and citizens to identify & assess existing assets and to provide and communicate priorities, action steps & investment strategies for creating an extensive network of sidewalks, bike lanes and greenway trails to connect neighborhoods, parks, schools downtown & other shopping areas and to significantly improve mobility, health, traffic congestion and air quality for everyone in our community.
Strategy 9.4 – Develop detailed Fire and Police Department Plans.
Strategy 9.5 – Establish a Mocksville Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.
Strategy 9.6 – Develop a Parks and Recreation Master Plan to identify & assess existing assets, set priorities & provide action steps for developing future parks & recreation facilities & programming.
• Include green space in each new neighborhood to support the Town’s growing network of
greenway trails in conservation corridors along streams.
• Link new & old neighborhoods to one another, and to other parts of the Town through a convenient network of roads, bike paths, sidewalks, and greenways.
• Enable residents to enjoy access to a variety of public parks, greenways & open spaces, a more bike- and pedestrian-friendly environment, greater access to a variety of convenient businesses, services, jobs and housing, and a deep sense of pride in our growing, thriving community.
Mocksville is located in the geographic center of Davie County at the forks of the Yadkin: the confluence of the Yadkin and South Yadkin Rivers. The one-time home of Squire and Sarah Boone and their son Daniel Boone and his wife Rebecca, Davie County has a rich and colorful history. Davie was formed in 1836 and named in honor of William R. Davie, a Revolutionary War leader and governor of North Carolina. Prior to that, it was part of Rowan County. The first courthouse, located in the exact center of the new town of Mocksville, was completed sometime between 1836 and 1840. The Town of Mocksville was incorporated in 1839.
The 2005 Mocksville Land Use Plan
The intent of the 2005 Mocksville Land Use Plan is to “plan for growth in a manner that encourages economic development while maintaining Mocksville’s small-town atmosphere and improving upon its overall quality of life.” Based on a projected 20% population increase by 2025 and the likely continued regional transition from traditional manufacturing to a service- and technology-based economy, the 2005 plan anticipates increased residential commercial, retail and industrial development. In concert with the Town’s progressive planning program the plan strives to provide a positive environment for community investment while insuring new development is consistent with Mocksville’s unique small-town character. The 2005 Plan serves as the first long-range vision for how physical growth and development should occur in Mocksville and provides a base on which to build new planning initiatives that continue to meet the needs and interests of the community.
Purpose of the 2019 Comprehensive Plan
The Town of Mocksville Comprehensive Plan provides a clear and compelling vision for the future growth and well-being of our community. The 2019 Plan looks at past and current development trends and plans, analyzes demographic and economic data, gathers a broad range of community values and desires, and provides a shared vision for our future and a set of recommended goals, objectives and strategies to achieve this vision. The Plan provides a framework for decision-making and the allocation of resources related to the long-term growth and development of Mocksville. The Plan builds on existing assets while taking advantage of opportunities for improvement and growth. The Plan will be implemented through annual budgeting, departmental work programs, zoning decisions, and development projects.
A Comprehensive Plan is not mandated by North Carolina statutes. However, when considering zoning amendments, local governments must provide a statement describing whether its action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and other applicable plans (GS160A-383). A good comprehensive plan involves a wide variety of citizens and interests to form the basis of a community’s values and vision for its future. Such plans help ensure regulatory controls cannot be legally challenged as arbitrary and that communities can provide services efficiently while maintaining a relatively low tax rate for citizens. Community consensus around a plan can make future decision- making easier and less politically charged. Also, state and federal transportation funds, water, sewer and park grants, and environmental clean-up funding is increasingly tied to a well-crafted plan that shows extensive community involvement. (Source: North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association).
(continued below – read the full text of the comprehensive plan)