Street Department
The Street Division is responsible for maintaining a safe and dependable street system, allowing citizens and visitors alike to travel safely and efficiently. The Street Division coordinates maintenance for all town owned streets, sidewalks and all related infrastructure.
The majority of streets are maintained by the Town. However, most of the major thoroughfares are State roads or highways and are maintained by the N.C. Department of Transportation (336-751-2400). There are also some subdivisions where the streets are privately maintained.
Street Maintenance
To report a street related maintenance or traffic light problem. Please provide detailed, accurate information of the location of the problem to help us respond quickly.
After hours call: Communications 336-753-6320
Street Light Outages
Street lights can be called or emailed directly into Duke Power and must include the closest property address. We encourage citizens to do so, but will be happy to assist, however Duke requires the town to send an employee out to yellow tape the pole and does not require this of calls or emails from citizens.
Citizens may report the light that needs repair by simply calling:
1-800-POWERON (1-800-769-3766). This number is answered 24/7/365 by customer service representatives and is a quick way for a citizen to report the light being out.
or use the website form and the link to that form is below:
Lights are generally repaired in three business days or less, unless there is an unusual circumstance or a bad underground feeding the light or lights that are out.