Tourism Development

mocksville Tourism Funding request page

Starting in January, Mocksville Tourism Developmental Authority (MTDA) welcomes proposals for Special Projects/Events Funding from area organizations, both profit and not for profit designed to attract visitors to Downtown Mocksville.

Applications are available to complete online below or you may download and print a hard copy to submit.

The deadline to submit applications is by 5 p.m. on April 15.

If you have any questions, please call 336-753-6705.


Request for Special Project/Event Funding Form

Mocksville Tourism Development Authority (MTDA) welcomes proposals for special projects and events funding from area organizations, both profit and not-for-profit, that are designed for the purpose of attracting visitors to DOWNTOWN MOCKSVILLE.

Any organization wishing to request funding support from MTDA must complete the Special Project Funding Request Form and the Budget Form. These forms must be submitted by April 15. Applications received after the grant cycle is closed may be reviewed on a case by case basis or will be considered in the next grant cycle in the FOLLOWING FISCAL YEAR.

MTDA will review funding proposals as needed. Applications will be reviewed and considered at the next regular Mocksville Tourism Development Authority Board Meeting. The applicant may be invited to present, in person, a formal presentation of the project.

Applicant hereby accepts the conditions as set forth in the Policy of MTDA Special Projects/Events Grant. (See below.)

  1. Applicant must provide copies of all invoices for this event/project. Invoices must show that grant funds are used for the promotion of tourism that will attract out-of-town visitors generating an increase of lodging facilities, recreational facilities, business establishments and restaurants. I understand the above conditions and policy and agree to abide by the same, as a condition for receiving funds from Mocksville Tourism Development Authority.
  2. Grant funds should be used only for expenses directly related to public relations and promotion of Mocksville. Grant funding may not be used for any operational costs including but not limited to salaries, rent, insurance, etc., nor may it be used for maintenance, facilities or grounds.
  3. Applications indicating matching funds on a dollar-for-dollar or greater basis are encouraged and may determine project funding.
  4. I further acknowledge that any funds received by MTDA must be used within the calendar year as they are allocated and if funds are not used, and a project is not carried out in full, MTDA reserves the right to refuse funding in subsequent years while also requiring the return of unused funds.
  5. If grant is approved and you receive funds but are not able to host the event due to unforeseen circumstances, you must A.) Refund the amount approved within the same calendar year OR B.) Submit a letter to MTDA stating funds will be used for same approved event within the same calendar year or the following year. This must be approved by the Tourism board.
  6. The undersigned hereby certifies they have reviewed the attached grant application and understand the grant funding requirements stated therein.
  7. Mail the completed application to the Mocksville Tourism Development Authority, 171 S. Clement Street Mocksville, NC 27028.
  8. Grant recipients are required to add the Mocksville Tourism logo approval/support to any printed media.

Please note: you may save this online form and return to finish it later. Be sure you scroll all the way to the bottom of this page to enter your email and the link to your form will be sent to you.


MTDA Funding Request

Request for Special Project or Event Funding from the Mocksville Tourism Development Authority.

  • Please give the total dollar amount you are requesting toward funding your event/project.
  • Project/Event Narrative

    Please describe the proposed project/event in the lines below.
  • Include funds already received and those projected.
  • Please include any previous activities on behalf of Mocksville Tourism.
  • Special Project Budget Section

  • Please indicate the budgeted amount for promotion including cost estimates for printed materials and ads, banners, sinage and postage or media ads.
  • Please include the cost of the space, and any tents, or table rentals in this total.
  • Drop files here or

    Accepted file types: jpg, png, tiff, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 128 MB.

      You may upload supporting documents here.