Merit Kirkpatrick

About WMMG Admin

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So far WMMG Admin has created 84 blog entries.

A Christmas Message From The Mayor


Merry Christmas!!! I hope everyone is enjoying family and friends during the holiday season. Over the last several weeks, we have been busy in town with the parade, bed races, and many other Christmas activities. It will be nice to settle down for a few days as the year ends. As 2024 comes to a close, I would like to recognize a few folks who have been instrumental in making the year a success. Thank you to our retiring Town Manager, Ken Gamble, who has done an excellent job. Ken spearheaded the “All-Star County “ initiative and has been an integral [...]

A Christmas Message From The Mayor2024-12-23T15:18:12-05:00

Help Shape the Future of Mocksville’s Movies in the Park: Share Your Preferences!


The Town of Mocksville is committed to making its Movies in the Park series an unforgettable experience for families, friends, and neighbors to enjoy. To help create movie nights everyone can look forward to, they are inviting the community to participate in a quick survey about the event. Your input will guide in the planning of future showings, ensuring they meet the preferences of the people who matter most—you! What We Want to Know The survey is designed to cover a few key areas, such as: Preferred Days: Would you rather attend Movies in the Park on Friday or Saturday evenings? [...]

Help Shape the Future of Mocksville’s Movies in the Park: Share Your Preferences!2024-11-08T17:23:42-05:00

Mocksville Town Manager Ken Gamble Announces Retirement at the End of 2024


After nearly 35 years of distinguished public service, Mocksville Town Manager Ken Gamble has announced plans to retire at the end of 2024. In a heartfelt statement, Gamble reflected on the honor and privilege of working alongside talented and dedicated individuals from various sectors, including government, business, non-profit, civic, faith, and community organizations. These collaborations, with a shared commitment to improving safety, outcomes, and the quality of life in both urban and rural communities, have defined his career. “My experiences serving in law enforcement and town management have made for an extremely rewarding career,” he said. He expressed deep gratitude to [...]

Mocksville Town Manager Ken Gamble Announces Retirement at the End of 20242024-10-11T14:34:50-04:00

Compost Yard Closed Due to Weather


Compost Yard Closed Due to the forecasted rain and wintery precipitation for Saturday, January 6, 2024, the compost yard will be closed. If needed, we will coordinate with residents the week of January 8-12th to schedule drop-off times.

Compost Yard Closed Due to Weather2024-01-04T10:56:16-05:00

Town of Mocksville Seeking Public Comment on Proposed System Development Fees


Time for Public Comment: 8-17-23 to 10-01-23 The Town of Mocksville engaged Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (“Raftelis”)  to study and recommend System Development Fees for our Water and Sewer systems for fiscal year (“FY”) 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024). System development fees are one-time charges assessed to new water and/or sewer customers for their use of system capacity and serve as an equitable method by which to recover up-front system capacity costs from those using the capacity. This includes new homes, businesses and industrial buildings as well as new water and sewer lines extensions that serve an existing [...]

Town of Mocksville Seeking Public Comment on Proposed System Development Fees2023-08-17T11:14:47-04:00

Section of Rich Park Greenway Closed Due to Storm Damage


Avoid This Section of the Greenway for Safety A section of the Rich Park Greenway near the Parks & Grounds maintenance shop has been closed due to a fallen tree and severe asphalt damage. This section will be closed until repairs are made. The Town is asking the public to avoid this section of the greenway for safety reasons and respect any barriers/caution tape up in the area. The repairs are anticipated to be completed in two weeks but could be longer depending on contractor scheduling.  

Section of Rich Park Greenway Closed Due to Storm Damage2023-08-16T10:05:15-04:00

Proposed Budget for 2023-2024 Available for Review


Proposed Budget FY 2023-2024 Town Manager Ken Gamble presented the Town’s proposed budget for the fiscal year 2023-2024 to Mayor Will Marklin and the Board of Commissioners for review during the monthly public meeting on May 2nd.  Gamble shared that the budget is balanced with respect to revenues and expenditures and meets all requirements of the North Carolina Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. In the conclusion of his budget statement, Gamble said, “While internal and external pressures will continue to affect the Town of Mocksville’s finances, the FY 2023-2024 budget efficiently and effectively uses our limited resources to deliver [...]

Proposed Budget for 2023-2024 Available for Review2023-05-04T09:46:10-04:00

Board of Adjustment Meeting March 9, 2023


The Town of Mocksville’s Board of Adjustment will hold Evidentiary Hearings Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Mocksville Town Hall, 171 S. Clement Street, Mocksville, NC 27028. The meeting will focus on two applications of Special Use Permits for Concrete Plants in the General Industrial zoning district. The cases are: Jason and Annie Speer requests a Special Use Permit for a Ready Mix Concrete Plant on 8.01 acres at the corner of Joshua's Way and Bethel Church Rd. (Davie County Tax Map # I500000039) Brad Lagle requests a special Use Permit for a concrete plant on 4.831 acres [...]

Board of Adjustment Meeting March 9, 20232023-02-21T08:49:53-05:00

Planning Board Meeting Location Change


Meeting Location Changed The Mocksville Planning Board will hold their February 9, 2023 regular meeting at the Energy United Building located at 182 South Salisbury Street in Mocksville at 5:30 PM.

Planning Board Meeting Location Change2023-01-31T13:41:13-05:00

Budgeting for Mocksville’s Future


I have fond memories as a kid of saving money from my paper route and odd jobs for things my parents would not buy. This meant giving up comic books, sodas and other things I may have had an immediate desire to have in order to reach my goal. Back in 1982 that goal was to own a black leather jacket and it took months to save the money. I have to admit that I looked cool in that jacket though. Experiences like this one taught me that goals are within our grasp when we work hard and exercise fiscal discipline. [...]

Budgeting for Mocksville’s Future2023-01-03T10:53:00-05:00
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