Mocksville Fire Department

The Mocksville Fire Department Mission Statement: The Mocksville Fire Department Members dedicate ourselves to the protection of our community’s quality of life through fire suppression, emergency medical care and hazardous materials response.

We further strive to reduce losses from these events through community education, constant quality training, and education. As a result, our ISO rating is 3, and we are certified by the NC Rescue Association for Heavy Rescue, High Angle Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, Agriculture/Machinery Rescue, and Medical Response.

The Mocksville Fire Department is accepting applications for Volunteer Firefighters.

 If interested you may pick up an application at the Mocksville Fire Department which is located at 335 Sanford Avenue in Mocksville or at the Mocksville Town Hall which is located at 171 South Clement Street.

Reminder ~ Check Your Smoke Detectors – Assistance Available

As summer ends and we approach the fall and winter season, the Mocksville Fire Department would like to remind you to check those smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are your first line of defense from the dangers of a home fire. It provides you early warning and may give you the few extra seconds to escape or prevent a small fire from escalating to a tragic end. Even though most homes have detectors in them, they must be checked and maintained to ensure they are working properly.

The Mocksville Fire Department would like to offer our assistance to you should you need help checking your smoke detector. If you feel you need assistance with your smoke detectors or would like a home safety check, please contact the fire station at 751-5782 or stop by and we will schedule a time to come out.

Contact Us

The Mocksville Fire Department is located at 335 Sanford Avenue.
The Fire Chief is Frank Carter.

Mocksville Fire Department: 336-751-5782
Fax: 336-751-9271
Emergencies: 911