2024- 2025 Adopted Budget

The Town’s Finance Department is responsible for providing timely and accurate financial information and analysis to aid in the preparation of the Annual Budget process. This information allows the Town Board and Town Management to directly allocate financial resources to meet desired levels of services throughout the Town. The department also prepares the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan.

Our fiscal year runs from July 1st through June 30th. The Town Manager serves as the Budget Officer and presents the annual budget to the Town Board, which then holds a public hearing and budget workshop before finalizing and adopting the Town’s Annual Budget. This process must be completed, and a balanced budget must be adopted prior to July 1st. After adoption, the department is responsible for monitoring actual expenditures and reporting any recommended actions to Town Management and the Town Board.

Read or download the budget.

Town of Mocksville Budget 2024-2025

Other Budget Documents

Independent Auditor’s Reports

Governmental audits are systematic examinations and evaluations of public sector organizations or entities. They assess financial records, performance measures, compliance with regulations, and the effectiveness of internal controls. The audit is completed annually.

Read or download the Town of Mocksville Audit reports.