On occasion, the Town of Mocksville experiences inclement weather events, including snow or ice.  The Town of Mocksville maintains over 34 miles of streets in the community during the winter months, sanding and salting during ice and freezing rain and plowing the snow off roadways during more significant storms.  Depending on the forecast, Town Staff may apply brine to Town-maintained streets, bridges, major intersections, and commercial areas 24 to 48 hours prior to the onset of the event. This application, if utilized, will assist the most heavily traveled roads for commuting during emergency needs. 

Every snow removal event is different.  Various factors contribute to each and every storm.  Times of day, type of precipitation, intensity, duration, temperature (both surface and air) are all factors that determine how a particular winter event is managed.

Winter storms can test the patience of residents, motorists, pedestrians, and snowplow operators.  The Town is committed to keeping the streets open, the traffic moving, and returning the Town’s streets to the safest condition possible.  This letter is designed to increase awareness about Town’s snowplowing and snow removal procedures and to encourage everyone’s cooperation in helping us achieve our goal.  The Town of Mocksville appreciates your patience and understanding during the winter months.

This provides general information about snow and ice procedures, winter tips, important telephone numbers, and information regarding winter parking on our streets.  More importantly, this is intended to increase awareness about the roles we all play in providing safer streets during snow and ice emergencies.


Road treatment of sand and salt will be provided on an as-needed basis.  Treatment will be provided first to primary streets, and then to collector streets and town-owned buildings/parking lots. It is important to note that US 158, US 64 and NC 601 are maintained by NC DOT and not the town.

In order for the town to activate our snow removal procedures, snow should be at least two (2”) inches deep and falling and/or additional accumulation forecasted prior to snowplow operations beginning.

The Town of Mocksville is responsible for all other roads. We plow and salt many of our main streets (it’s hard for us to service side roads and cul-de-sacs) so that everyone is able to get to a main artery in their vehicle if they must get out. Unfortunately, we are not able to plow the ends of driveways (we only plow public streets, not private property) –we attempt to push snow away from driveways when we can. We are not able to plow private roads in new development until the town officially assumes maintenance. We encourage non-vehicular methods of transportation until the roads are clear.

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is responsible for state roads, examples include Interstate 40, US Highway 158. US Highway 64 and NC 601, Milling Road, Bethel Church Road, Martin Luther King Jr. Road, and Country Lane and others. NCDOT will plow and salt these roads.

Plow Routes – The streets are plowed and salted in order of priority. Main (collector) streets are addressed first with special attention to steep hills, and difficult intersections. (Examples of collector streets are Wilkesboro Street, Salisbury Street and Depot Street). Side streets are done next, then dead end streets. Again, the goal is to clear streets in order for vehicular use. Side streets will remain unplowed if the main streets require repeated plowing.

Sidewalks – The Town does not clear or remove ice/snow from residential sidewalks—this is the responsibility of the homeowner.

Street Parking – If possible, during a storm residents should park in their driveways and not on the streets. This allows the plows to better clean the entire street. It also lessens the likelihood of damage to the vehicles as a result of plowing. The Town is not responsible for damages as a result of plowing snow, ice, or salt hitting vehicles parked on the street.

Private Plowing – The Town of Mocksville prohibits private contractors from pushing snow from driveways or parking lots onto Town streets. This practice is dangerous and impedes the Town’s snow removal efforts.

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