A promotional flyer for a "Budget Retreat" on February 15, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mocksville Education Building. Features "Mission Vision Goals" text, a bar chart, a water fountain, and an image of Mocksville Town Hall.

Residents of Mocksville have a unique opportunity to participate in shaping the town’s future. Join Mayor Will Marklin, the Mocksville Board of Commissioners, and Town staff for the FY2025-2026 Budget Retreat on Saturday, February 15th, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Mocksville Education Building, 201 Salisbury Street. Open to the public, this pivotal meeting will focus on aligning the town’s budget with its Strategic Plan for sustainable growth.

Why a Strategic Plan Matters

“A Strategic Plan with a well-defined Mission, Vision, and Goals is essential for controlled and thoughtful growth in the Town of Mocksville,” explained Interim Town Manager Lynn Trivette.

This plan helps:

  • Align the town’s annual budget with long-term goals.
  • Proactively address future needs and challenges.
  • Ensure responsible use of resources for maximum community impact.

Trivette added, “Tying the annual budget to a long-term vision with goals and actions that transcend the annual budget is how we will turn dreams of a better future into reality for Mocksville.”

Engage with Your Government

Mayor Marklin emphasized the importance of resident participation:

“Mocksville residents are invited to come out to the annual budget retreat and hear how your elected officials work through the budget requests and come out with a balanced budget to work with over the next year. These discussions are open to the public and answer any questions about where your tax dollars are spent.”

Street view of a row of small shops with colorful awnings and a sidewalk chalkboard. Several parked cars line the street. A bench and trash can are visible, along with a small tree with red leaves. The sky is clear and sunny.

Sidewalk Connectivity Project

Trivette reported that Mocksville is collaborating with an engineering firm on the Sidewalk Connectivity Project, a significant initiative to expand the town’s pedestrian network. This project will add approximately 4,300 feet of sidewalks and roadway crossing improvements, enhancing the town’s infrastructure.

Predetermined Corridors for Sidewalk Improvement:

  1. Segment 1: Yadkinville Road (from Walgreens to the Roundabout)
  2. Segment 2: Wilkesboro Street (from Meroney Street to the Roundabout)
  3. Segment 3: Meroney Street (connecting the Roundabout to the existing sidewalk at the Senior Center)
  4. Segment 4: Duke Street (from South Salisbury Street to the future Greenway Trailhead west of Avgol Drive)

Project Benefits

According to Trivette, the Sidewalk Connectivity Project will deliver numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased pedestrian activity and mobility: Encouraging walking as a viable transportation option.
  • Enhanced safety: Providing safer pedestrian routes, especially for individuals with disabilities.
  • Improved access to community amenities: Making essential services and recreational spaces more accessible.
  • Promoting a walkable, healthy community: Supporting wellness and sustainability through walkability.
Lynn Trivette in a gray t-shirt stands in a Mocksville budget meeting, facing a projected presentation slide on a screen. The slide discusses park and recreation models with financial policies. Papers and a laptop are on the table.

She shared that the Town continues to take an aggressive approach toward the use of grant funding, where available to supplement revenues, demonstrating a proactive and resourceful strategy for funding community enhancements. Lastly, Trivette detailed the key economic indicators that reflect the growth and prosperity of the Town.

  • New commercial, industrial, and retail development
  • Commercial and major industrial constructions or expansions
  • Planning and zoning practices
  • Ongoing infrastructure and utility upgrades
Josh Powers, assistant director of west operations for Envirolink, shares budgetary needs for Mocksville’s water and sewer plants.
Josh Powers, assistant director of west operations for Envirolink, shares budgetary needs for Mocksville’s water and sewer plants at an earlier retreat.

What to Expect at the Retreat

The retreat’s agenda includes informative sessions and presentations to ensure the Board is prepared to make critical decisions. Topics include current and future economic development trends, revenue projections, and recommended capital improvements. The Board will receive updates to the objectives, goals, and action items tied to the Strategic Plan and hear directly from department heads regarding needs for FY2025-26. Staff will also brief the board on recruitment and retention strategies to attract and keep the best town employees. The morning presentations will include viewing current equipment that needs replacing in Public Works, Parks and Grounds, and the Fire Department.

Trivette shared this year’s agenda:

  • Call to Order & Welcome
  • Moment of Silence
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Adoption of Agenda
  • Communication from Boards, Commissions & Agencies
  • Budget Planning – Lynn Trivette
  • Economic Development Forecast – Terry Bralley – Davie County EDC
  • Infrastructure – Chuck Willis – Willis Engineering
  • Water & Sewer – Envirolink
  • Round Table Discussion and Break
  • Parks & Grounds – Chris Vaughn
  • Public Works – Brian Moore
  • Fire Department – Chief Carter
  • Community Development – Jeannette Pitts
  • Human Resources – Emily Quance
  • Round Table Discussion and Break
  • Lunch
  • Administration – Rana Gaither
  • Budget Planning – Lynn Trivette
  • Round Table Discussion and Break
  • Wrap-Up & Questions – Lynn Trivette
  • Adjournment
"Town of Mocksville 2025 Budget Discussions timetable. Meetings listed: 2/4 Non-Profit Presentations, 3/4 First Draft Department Head Requests, 4/1 Second Draft Adjustments & Corrections, 5/6 Proposed Budget Manager’s Message, 6/3 Public Hearing Budget Adoption.

Stay Involved Throughout the Budget Process

This retreat marks the beginning of the FY2025-2026 budget process. Residents are encouraged to attend the upcoming Board of Commissioner meetings:

  • February 4th – Non-Profit Presentations
  • March 4th – First Draft and Department Head Requests
  • April 1st – Second Draft, Adjustments, and Corrections
  • May 6th – Proposed Budget and Manager’s Message
  • June 3rd – Public Hearing and Budget Adoption

“We encourage the public to attend these meetings to learn more about what your government does in the community,” Trivette said. For more information, call (336) 753-6700.