As we enter into the Christmas season, I’d like to thank you for your efforts at social distancing, wearing a face covering, and avoiding gathering with people outside of your household.  I know that it hasn’t been easy, particularly doing the holidays,  but it has been heartening to see the way you have banded together to support each other during this challenging time.

During the pandemic, the Town of Mocksville has adopted the State of North Carolina’s guidelines for slowing the spread of COVID-19. This will continue with Governor Cooper’s modified stay at home/early closure order issued earlier this week after a rapid increase in North Carolina’s key COVID-19 trends.  As you probably already know, Executive Order No. 181 requires people to stay at home between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. and takes effect Friday, December 11 at 5 p.m. and will be in place until at least January 8, 2021.

Travel to and from work; to obtain food, medical care, fuel, or social services; or to take care of a family member is exempted.

The order requires restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, personal care businesses, and others to end all on-premises services at 10 p.m. Take-out, delivery, drive-thru, and curbside services are permitted during the curfew hours. The order also stops on-premises alcohol sales at 9 p.m., whether at a bar, restaurant, or by a vendor.

Retail businesses that sell groceries, medication, health care supplies, and fuel may remain open between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m.  Learn more in this Frequently Asked Questions document prepared by the State.

Your County and Town are working together to help keep Mocksville safe.

Some of the measures the Town has taken to slow the spread of COVID-19 include:

  • All town employees are wearing masks, practicing hand hygiene, and self-monitoring for signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Each department is cleaning high traffic areas frequently and conducting daily temperature checks for all staff members. To minimize the possibility of exposure, staff holiday gatherings have been put on hold until a future date.
  • Town-sponsored holiday events have been modified to maximize social distancing and face-coverings are required. When effective social distancing could not be maintained, events were postponed until next year.
  • Our local businesses are following CDC guidelines on best practices for social and physical distancing, employee health, and cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection to ensure that you can eat and shop safely.
  • Town and the Mocksville Police Department are currently closed to lobby traffic to protect residents and employees.
  • Town Hall – The office is currently closed but the staff is working hard to serve customers via phone, email, and online. Our ultimate goal is to make sure that customers are well taken care of during this difficult time. Customers can pay by mail, bank draft, online, lockbox, AR box, by phone at (855) 667-0931, or by placing their payment in the dropbox in front of Town Hall. We are currently working on placing all utility forms online for your convenience.  The administration is also working to implement a safety plan for employees and customers for when Town Hall reopens.
  • Mocksville Police Department  –  The main office is closed to the public to assist with limiting the spread of COVID-19 and an emergency schedule has been implemented to ensure that officers remain available. Fingerprinting services will be suspended until further notice. If you need a copy of a report please call 336-753-6710 Monday through Friday 8 a.m -5 p.m. Our officers will be attempting to take as many reports by phone as possible to limit interaction with the public. If you have an emergency contact 9-1-1. If you have a non-emergency and need to file a report please call 336-751-0896, and an officer will contact you. The safety of our officers and our citizens remains the focus of the MPD. Our officers will continue to remain visible in your neighborhoods and at local businesses to maintain the protection of our town and its citizens.
  • The Mocksville Fire Department and the Public Works, and Parks and Grounds Departments are working equally hard to follow all safety protocols and guidelines.

I am proud of each departments’ and employees’ efforts to respect others and to keep Mocksville safe.

We are all tired and frustrated and ready for things to go back to normal. Hopefully, conditions will soon begin to improve and restrictions will be able to be lifted.

In the meantime, we must continue to be patient as our state and local leaders work to balance the health and welfare of our citizens with the needs of our economy.

Ultimately, I am confident that better days are ahead.

Stay safe, stay well, stay informed.

We will persevere!

Lynn Trivette,

Interim Manager,  Town of Mocksville