Memorial Day Message from Mayor Will Marklin

Memorial Day Statement 2020 - from Mocksville Mayor Will Marklin

As we head into the Memorial Day weekend I’d like to honor the memory of our servicemen and women who paid the ultimate price to protect our freedom and to thank their families for their sacrifice. Davie County has a rich history of service above self as demonstrated by our memorial marker in front of the county building downtown. 

In addition to a remembrance of those we have lost, this Memorial Day Weekend also marks the beginning of Phase 2 of Governor Cooper’s plan to re-open the state.

As a reminder, here are the details for Phase 2 which begins at  5 p.m. today, Friday, May 22nd. 

These businesses and venues can reopen at 50% capacity but must follow face covering and cleaning requirements:

  • Barbershops
  • Beauty salons
  • Child care facilities (may enroll all children)
  • Hair, nail and tanning salons
  • Massage therapists 
  • Overnight and day camps
  • Restaurants for dine-in customers
  • Retail businesses
  • Swimming pools
  • Tattoo parlors

Businesses that will remain closed

  • Amusement parks
  • Bars and nightclubs
  • Gyms, indoor fitness facilities and health clubs
  • Indoor entertainment venues like movie theaters and bowling alleys
  • Museums
  • Skating rinks
  • Public playgrounds

Limits to outdoors gatherings

No more than 10 people should congregate indoors or 25 people outdoors. This applies to amphitheaters, arenas and stadiums, conference centers, event venues, as well as parks and beaches.

 I am  grateful for the easing of these restrictions, but I urge you to remember to practice the three W’s when you leave home: 

  • Wear a cloth face covering if you will be with other people 
  • Wait 6 feet apart. Avoid close contact.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer.

These actions can protect our families and neighbors as the state takes a cautious step forward and will help with the easing of additional restrictions moving forward. 

I know that we are all eager for things to return to normal. I know that I am ready to resume our town’s activities and events, to eat out with groups of family and friends at our local restaurants, and to return to regular services at church. 

Just remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint, and like all marathons, it will end. Stay strong!  We will continue to get through this together! 


Will Marklin